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Sep 6, 2023

Ditch the Powders, Coffee is the New Pre-Workout

"With its natural caffeine content and a host of potential benefits, coffee has earned its reputation as a go-to beverage to kickstart energy levels and mental focus before hitting the gym or engaging in physical activities. The aroma of a freshly brewed cup aligns with the desire for an enhanced workout, making coffee a favored companion for those seeking a pre-workout boost."

Jul 25, 2023

A Battle of Buzz: Coffee vs Tea vs Cold Brew

Tea, coffee, and cold brew have gained immense popularity as beverage choices, not only in offices but also among coffee enthusiasts. These beverages have become an integral part of daily routines, providing a much-needed boost of energy and enjoyment throughout the day. Coffee’s significance as the staple corporate American beverage is still strongly represented in offices as hot coffee’s characteristics are perfect for early mornings.
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