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The Many Uses of Coffee Grounds

By: Chelsea Jarrell

Coffee can be used for much more than creating the perfect caffeinated beverage. In fact, there are several different ways to put those wet coffee grounds to good use. Check out this post to figure out which ones fit into your lifestyle.

Coffee grounds are a perfect coarse substance full of caffeine and
vitamins that can help rejuvenate and exfoliate your skin.


  • Coffee Body Scrub: Wake up in the shower with this homemade body scrub. The combination of coffee, coconut oil, cinnamon, and vanilla awakens your senses and leaves your skin feeling super soft.
  • Coffee Soap: Bars of soap can be a lot easier to use and not as wasteful when you shower or wash your hands. Learn how to use your favorite coffee to create the perfect soap to amaze your friends and family with.
  • Facial Coffee Scrub: This is my personal favorite way to recycle coffee grounds. Create this facial scrub and you will leave your face glowing and feeling beyond refreshed. Not to mention that it smells so good when you’re using it!
  • Hair: Have you ever felt your hair being weighed down by all the hair products you use? Well this is a super easy solution to fix that problem. Simply scrub your hair every once in a while with the coffee grounds before you shampoo it. Be sure to rinse out all the grounds in the sink before you hop in the shower. Nothing is worse than finding grounds in places you do not want them or having to deep clean the entire tub.

Garden or Outside


  • Pest Repellant: Stop spending crazy amounts of money on pest repellant and start saving those coffee grounds! There are several different ways to use the grounds to your advantage. You can get rid of those pesky mosquitos by simply burning the grounds in your backyard. Deter bugs and a few animals from your campsite or garden by simply placing the coffee grounds around or in the area. I’ve even been told that some people spread it around the bottom of their camper to keep ants away.
  • Compost and Fertilizer: Gardening takes a lot of skill and time. Use coffee grounds in your gardening routine to help your garden flourish. Adding the grounds to your garden not only acts as a fertilizer but also an insect repellent. Not to mention if you compost, coffee grounds are the perfect natural substance to throw into the mix.

Other Uses

  • Natural Abrasive: The rough texture of coffee grounds allows you to use it to clean pots or pans with caked on food or sticky goo on them. Simply add the grounds to a cloth and scrub away!
  • Homemade Candles: Make your own coffee smelling candles. It's the perfect way to get your house smelling like you just made a fresh pot of coffee!

Which one of these creations and tips will you try? Let us know!

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