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The Role of Office Managers and Executives to Step Up Work Environment

When traditional toxic elements are nowhere near the workplace, the office environment is bound to become the best place to work. But a lot depends on how managers and executives shape the work environment and whether or not they give enough room to employees to work on their own terms.

Gone are the days when managers and executives could dictate every single thing. Today, a high turnover rate plagues most companies, and the burden of responsibility falls on HR managers to retain the most talented employees.

Fortunately, office managers and executives have become more tactful and listen to their employees. Office managers are now more direct, transparent, and empathetic to employees. From the perspective of office managers, many practices and strategies can improve productivity. But instead of generalizing and blindly implementing productivity tactics, managers have to consider the abilities and needs of employees.

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Nitro Cold Brew is a chance for office managers and executives to make the work environment more vibrant and enjoyable.

The Age of Flexibility

Managers that only focus on productivity at the expense of employees’ health end up creating a toxic work environment that triggers a high turnover rate. Organizations throughout the world are busy finding and implementing the most effective ways to boost their productivity without compromising employees’ health and well-being.

Whether it’s a remote or hybrid work environment, office managers and company executives have to be aware of what appeals to employees. Having constant feedback from employees can make a huge difference. Focus on the behavioral patterns of employees to spot their needs and align those needs to create a vibrant, flexible, and safe work environment.

Here’s how executives and office managers can play an active role in improving the work environment:

Get to Know the Strengths of Employees

The better you know your employees – the more you will understand how to use each employee for a wide range of projects and activities. Like strengths, office managers and executives should understand what turns off employees.

Your goal should be to minimize stress and create a flexible space where employees are not expected to perform tasks that fall into their weaknesses. When office managers find out the inner strengths of their employees, it becomes easier to delegate work responsibilities and tasks.

In time, it will become a natural reflex for an office manager to assign work rather than worry endlessly whether or not an employee would be able to perform a complex task. As an office manager, you have to help your employees find their true potential. You need to figure out a way to use those attributes to boost productivity, avoid conflicts, and minimize stress in the work environment.

Besides, it will also send a positive message to employees that executives and office managers took the time to understand their strengths and attributes. It will also put office managers and executions in a positive light and create a happy work environment. But it takes time to find out different sides of employees. So, be patient when you’re looking for strengths and unique attributes of employees.

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Having Nitro Cold Brew around the workplace is bound to motivate employees.

Show Your Vulnerable Side

The role of a manager now requires leadership skills to come across as resilient. But oftentimes, managers confuse resilience with invincibility and unchallenged power. And this is where things go wrong. So, don’t be afraid to show your vulnerable side. It will make employees more approachable. It will also minimize many employees' supervision and resolve workplace misconceptions.

When executives and managers are empathetic and show their humane and softer side, it encourages employees to be their true selves in the workplace. And this, in turn, will cut out frustration, rejection, mistakes, and rejections around the workplace. The idea of showing your vulnerable side is to impact employees’ state of mind positively.

On the other hand, when office managers and executives create a flawless image, it intimates employees and fails to inspire them. Besides, it is in no one’s interest to make employees feel defeated by their shortcomings. Instead, relate to employees rather than come across as threatening.

When CWJ’s Nitro Cold Brew is around the office corner, it will bring joy and harmony to the workplace.

Give Performance-based Feedback to Employees

Most office managers give employees feedback on their job performance. But “how” you communicate performance feedback to employees can derail or step up the work environment. First, understand the big picture and try to encourage employees when giving feedback to employees. It will positively influence employees to raise their performance standards and cut out any tension in the work environment.

In most cases, when the performance-based review gets close – employees feel like they’re back in school and waiting in the principal’s office. But you have to create a chill environment that can support employees rather than belittle or intimidate them.

And the next time you give employees performance feedback, take their feedback and figure out how to improve their performance. Office managers don’t have to be psychic to understand the needs of their employees, review the employees, and find out how they can make improvements.

It should be the focus of your performance review rather than publicly present how a certain employee failed to hit benchmarks and targets. Office managers should maintain effective and transparent communication with employees. Constructive feedback will put employees at ease and allow them to see work in a new light.

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Assign a Time for Group-based Activities

The last thing office managers and executives need is employees glued to the screen in the workplace. So, create group activities that allow employees to get to know each other. It will create a positive rapport among employees and improve collaboration and productivity.  

One element that makes a workplace joyful is when employees are free to communicate and collaborate. Typically, executives instruct office managers to create a workspace where employees feel a sense of belonging.

Planning team-based activities are easier than you think. But this ease depends on how well office managers know their employees. Expand this awareness to create a sense of ease around the work environment, appreciate employees, create bonds between employees, and boost motivation through group activities.

Often, all it takes for office managers is to plan a group lunch at a local restaurant to create a synergy. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive restaurant in the neighborhood - a simple restaurant that makes good food and can keep the employees talking and getting to know each other will do the trick. Office managers should always be aware of “behind the scenes” and create team-building exercises and activities to raise awareness among peers.

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One of the most thoughtful things office managers can do for their employees is to prioritize their needs over productivity – and what better than Nitro Cold Brew that can keep employees happy, active, sharp, and communicative. 

Incentivize Employees

One of the most effective ways to get on the good side of employees is to incentivize them. Incentivizing the workforce is all about recognizing and rewarding their efforts. In fact, incentives show employees they’re appreciated for their work and encourage them to raise the bar of productivity.  

But when you reward productive employees, consider their preferences and needs. After all, one employee might prefer public recognition, while the other may value a private thank you. Show gratitude to appreciate employees through raises, bonuses, public celebrations, and vacations. You can also take out an efficient employee for lunch.

Similarly, managers can executives can write handwritten notes to recognize the efforts of employees. One of the incentives managers can give employees is lazy coupons. Using these coupons, employees would get a pass to come late on certain days. Top executives often advise managers to create employee health and wellness programs. The healthier the employees are – the fewer sick days they will take, and spend less money on insurance.

Final Thoughts

Office managers and executives can find workplace happiness in different aspects. What may be joyful to one employee may be unpleasant to another. When office managers can identify these things, it allows them to recognize and reward stimulating projects.

A good manager ensures a pleasant ambiance and stability in the work environment. In fact, a calm ambiance and flexible workload will motivate employees to work harder. It is not enough for managers to remember the name of all their employees to come across as good. They have to take proactive measures to understand the needs of their employees and create a vibrant and pleasant space where employees can look forward to working every day.

Office managers and executives can bring out the best in employees through several incentives. It won’t just help employees maintain a healthy work routine and realize their full potential – it will also lower turnover and help the organization drive long-term growth.

When the workflow is overwhelming, a coffee from Nitro Cold Brew can make the office environment exciting. 


By: Brandi Marcene

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