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What Exactly is Kombucha?

What is Kombucha? Kombucha is a carbonated drink, processed through fermentation.  As a healthy and refreshing drink, Kombucha is just as delicious and sweet as regular soda. Kombucha is based from tea, and fermented using just yeast and sugar. The fermentation process brings out good bacteria called probiotics that do wonders for your health!

So, why is the bacteria in kombucha so good for your health? Kombucha contains lactic-acid bacteria, antioxidants, and b-vitamins, which aid in regular digestion and boosting your immune system. Drinking kombucha a few times a week is beneficial to your health, so why not have it in your office?

Commonwealth Joe partners with Mobtown Fermentation and provides Wild Bay Kombucha, which is brewed locally in Baltimore! Kombucha is a great non-caffeinated beverage that pairs perfectly with CWJ Nitro Cold Brew.  Interested in Kombucha on-tap in your office? Send an email to to get started! 


By: Elise McMahon

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